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How To Purchase Eyewear Right For You

How you purchase your eyewear matters! Following these tips, along with regular visits to the optometrist can help ensure your glasses fit perfectly.

Get Fitted: Going online for your prescriptions may seem convenient, but without visiting an optomestrist you risk frames that don’t fit correctly. Lenses that don’t line up with your pupils, and other challenges with progressive lenses can prevent you from having optimal vision.

Come in and test: Prescriptions have an influence on frames based on thickness, weight, and other factors. All frames sit differently on our noses, so we need to ensure that they are well-suited to your face by analyzing which frame selection will work best.

Stop by today or make an appointment.

In front of a computer all day?

We always seem to have a screen in front of our eyes. You’re looking at one right now. This can cause what’s called digital eye strain, and 65% of people report neck and shoulder pain, eye strain, headache, blurred vision, or dry eyes as a result of looking at screens for hours at a time.

Computer eyewear could be the solution.

Computer glasses are specifically designed to help enhance your sight when looking at a computer screen.

What they do:

  • Reduce glare using anti-reflective coatings
  • Relax your eye muscles by filtering out harsh light spectrums

To see if computer glasses may be right for you, make an appointment.

Time to Put on Those Shades

Your sunglasses do a lot more than just make you stylish-they help prevent your eyes from the same damaging effects of the sun you wear sunscreen for. And with the summer sun fast approaching, it’s time to make sure your eyes are protected from UV rays.

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